The Town, and it's supervisor, like to tout all his progressive and innovative ideas (I give him credit for some good ones), but when it comes down to the "bread and butter", everyday items, he and they could really care less.
Espceically when it comes to Hartsdale and Central Ave's retail economy.Take, for example, this sign posted in Hartsdale Liquors, in the Village.
The Hartsdale Parking Garage is an absolute disaster due to the ongoing renovation project. Not only are there dangerous conditions that exists for the workers, but for the pedestrians and users of the garage. The sporadic, unscheduled closings of the garage, and the filthy, unorganzied, poorly marked conditions of the area, have made it difficult to patronize the businesses in downtown Hartsdale...thankfully though I can at least most times walk in. Coupled with an aggressive parking authority and lack of parking before this project even started, this makes me think twice before patronizing the businesses in Hartsdale. After all, I don't want to come back to my car to find construction debris on it...again.
Anyways, I hope the new Morton William's that I mentioned previously isn't too expensive, and they don't end up going the same route as Gourmet Garage, which is yet another Central Ave. vacancy. A Wild Oats market would have been nice too. I know the Town Of Greenburgh had no control over this purchase, but I don't want people thinking that the town actually cares about attracting new and fun retail and resturants to Central Ave or anywhere else in Hartsdale.
11/12/2006 2:27 PM
11/12/2006 2:27 PM
And as has been proved by this past week's meeting, it's impossible to speak on these kinds of issues at the Town Board meetings. It seems that one issue always overtakes everything else.