Monday, October 08, 2007

The Apparatus Of The City Of Hackensack, NJ FD

Today, I had the pleasure of shooting most of the fleet of the Hackensack, NJ FD.

I also got several other Bergen County departments, of which I'll post at a later date.

Hackensack is a lot closer then I thought it was, and has a very interesting setup. Busy department, is the county seat of Bergen County and is very densly populated with a mix of residential, commerical, industrial, and highways. The apparatus is definetly put through it's paces, and though it won't win any parades, it shows how hard the FF's of Hackensack FD work.

Northern NJ in general has some very nice apparatus, and I think I'm going to start shooting over there some more!

Special thanks to FF Mike Martinelli of Hackensack Truck 1 Platoon 1 for the invite. It's really appreciated, and helps to take my mind off other things going on and gives me somthing to do.

Also, thanks to the members of Hackensack FD and the other departments I shot (keeping them a secret for now) for their AWESOME hospitality! If it wasn't for my tight gas budget, and limited time, I could have stayed all week shooting apparatus!

Anyways, I had a great day today, the photos are posted on