Today, I decided to try my hand at kitbashing. I ordered a couple of those blank Dodge Charger R/T police package 1/?? diecast cars from . Even with my hands unsteady and memory shot, I went at it. I used this paint, probaly not the best for model painting (maybe airbrushing comes out better?), but the color was perfect. So, I decided to make a fictional Hartsdale FD Car 2172 Dodge Charger.
Here's the start of the project:
Then, I disassembled the entire car.
Then, it went through the paint shop. Due to my impatience watching paint dry, and my unsteady hand, and possibly using the wrong technique (again maybe Testors Model Paint would have been better)
And here's the final product. I couldn't remember how things went back together, so I just hot-glued everything back together, instead of the intricated screws and clips. I broke a lot of stuff off to get it back together, but hopefully that's not noticeable. Anyways, here's the AWFUL job I did. Looks like a 3 year old did it. I shouldn't have attempted this project to begin with, I knew the outcome wasn't going to be good, but it was fun and I learned stuff for maybe next time. I just wish my hand was more steady and I knew how to paint better.
Again, here's a shot of the blank car. I'd really like to do a fictional Greenburgh PD car, but obviously that wouldn't be the best idea right now for me. Although, mabye I could get some clear label sheets at Office Depot and print out lables, and apply them to the cars as graphics, and again use colored electrical tape as striping.
Well, I'm quite tired and sick from all the fumes of the various paint products, so I'm going to rest. No more arts and crafts for today, although I have some other projects in mind.
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