Today was a very good day. I got to work day tour Engine 170 with Bill Perritt and Capt. Kelley, and had a great time. After work, I had to run an errand which I interegrated into one of my weekly rituals.
As some of you may know, once a week I try and travel into the the city, for two main reasons. (Usually when Kristen's out of town or has a late night, and I have some free time. )
1, to ride a Metro-North train. (which, was, as usual for the Hartsdale 5:39 to GCT, an M-3)

So, on this evenings train ride, I got to take a bonus trip. Kristen was flying to San Francisco this AM on business, and her car service never showed up (around 0430AM). So she drove herself to the airport. She's coming back on Friday, and I didn't want her to have to schlep herself home in annoying Friday traffic, I'd rather she take the car service provided by her employer and relax after being away on busy business. So, I made the best of this oppurtunity, and finally got to ride a LIRR M-7. I took the 19:04hrs train from Penn Station to Jamaica, where I transferred over to the Airtrain to JFK...a real easy thing to do. The Airtrain was awesome, I've taken it before but previously only inter-airport. It's wierd how it's remote controlled. One of the cool aspects of it iss the great views of the terminals and planes......I got to see real live jetBlue planes which made my evening. As far as the LIRR M-7 is concerned, it is a little different in several ways then the Metro North M-7's. They are also a lot more beat up and dirtier then Metro North's, and seemingly more packed. I plan to ride and photograph LIRR more in the future, they had some neat stuff I saw along the way to Jamaica.
Then, it was to my mothers house to move some furniture and re-setup her computer, which was basically uneventful except for me putting a couple holes in the wall with the furniture while moving it. I am cursed moving furniture at her house....I always damage something. So I got to spackle tonight as well.
And to top the evening off, I finally ordered a new computer....with all the work I'm doing now, my trusty 2001 Dell Dimension 8200 just isn't cutting it anymore, as much as I love it. On order is a Dell XPS 400 3.0GHZ Pentium Dual Core 2GB RAM and 2 320GB hard drives. As for the monitor, I ordered the Dell Digital Ultrasharp 19", with the intent of adding a second Ultrasharp 19" when funds allow. Also got the TV tuner card so I can watch TV on one screen while working on the other. I am currently using a 19" CRT monitor. It will be so nice to have the deskspace back! Delivery is scheduled for the first week of September. I am SO excited! It was a little more then I wanted to spend, but it was worth it and will serve my needs perfectly well into the future. Also have a Dell Inspiron laptop which I'm very happy with.
All in all, a very good day and evening, despite not feeling so great healthwise and Kristen is gone on business :-( . And tommorow is one week 'till we takeoff for L.A., I am PSYCHED for that! Plus to fly American Airlines, as I've never flown them before....also cool I will be flying in a Boeing 762 and renting a Jeep Wrangler when we get there....as mentioned going to see Jay Leno and eating at Spago's...........and best part is Kristen will be with me. That's it for this entry, more blogging coming soon...hope you're enjoying......feel free to drop me a line x635@EMTBravo.com
BTW, All photos seen in this entry were taken tonight by me.